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HP Reveal... Augmented Reality... Changing Reality

According to Merriam- Webster, “Augmented reality is an enhanced version of reality created by the use of technology to overlay digital information on an image of something being viewed through a device (such as a smartphone camera).”   It also states that augmented reality can also be the name of the technology used to generate/ create augmented reality.     The first time that I saw augmented reality being used was on Snapchat, an online social media application.   Then, when discovering HP Reveal (previously known as Aurasma), my eyes were opened to the possibilities of augmented reality being used and incorporated into not just the library but schools in general.   HP Reveal is an amazing application that can be used on mobile devices to enhance learning.   The HP Reveal Application can be downloaded onto your mobile device through Google Play or the AppStore for Apple users.   Once you have installed this application, you wall then be pr...
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     According to KSmith1203’s Digital Curation: Cyberbullying , there are four elements of this form of bullying and it is done digitally.  Cyberbullying can consist of harmful, or hateful posts, tweets, images or images being shared and uploaded onto the web.  Sadly, there is not a specific type of person who would become targeted in cyberbullying.  Parents, children, teachers, athletes, doctors, a group of individuals, etc. can all be targets.  Just like bullying, there are no specific reason for someone to cyberbully another.      What stand out the most to me about cyberbullying, is the fact that once something is posted digitally, it is out there.   For example, someone decides to email another person a mean and disrespectful email.   Once that email is sent, it cannot be retracted.   Another example would be if someone post an embarrassing image online as a joke, that image could be saved, reposted, and ev...

Livescribe 3 Smart Pen

The Livescribe 3 is a Smartpen.   It is simple and easy to use. This advance technology can aid in any professional setting.   It is also a great asset in adaptive technology.   This Smartpen can be used as an assistive device.   It can be incorporated into your work, schooling, and within hobbies.   This device is simple, easy to use, and can aid in making life simpler. This device is a pen. This pen can be used to help students with disabilities.   It records, duplicates, and stores information which can be vital when one needs to look back or remember.   This device is simple and easy to carry.   It is the size of some regular standard pens. To activate the audio recording on this device, the tip must be out.   This pen can be used as a regular pen.   It could be used as a recorder.   The notes that are written can me duplicated on any electronic device, be it a cellphone, tablet, or even a desktop.   The...

Duck,Duck, GooseChase

As a child, I could never stay still.   Sitting in a desk for most of the day, was torture to me.   Even now, sitting still for any period of time is still hard for me. When I became a teacher and had my own class, my teacher desk was not used by me.   I couldn’t be confined to my desk.   I constantly moved around the room, or sat at an empty neighboring student desk when working with students. Either my students sat at my desk, it was part of a center, or a seat for my observers.   This is also the reason that I did not have a problem with my students standing up, or sitting on the floor (I would sit with them at times), because I know they were having the same conflicts that I had (have).      Even though I am now in the library, I still do not like being still.   This is why the discovery of GooseChase, has opened my eyes. It   is giving different ways I could incorporate students movement in an educational way. There is nothing like...

AASL and ISTE Standards

AASL Standards provide structure and guidance while a curriculum is being developed that tailors to the local priorities and needs of a school/ library.  These standards are integrated into the six foundations which are:  Inquire, Include, Collaborate, Curate, Explore, and Engage.  These standards are also broken down to target a particular group of people.  Some standards focus on librarians, administrators, parent/guardians, or educators.  Through these standards, students can be taught about how to use the above listed six foundations in order to investigate and discover answers. The ISTE Standards was once known as the National Educational Technology Standards.  These standards focused on using technology to help ensure student driven processes.  The ISTE standards focuses on empowered learner, digital citizenship, knowledge constructor, innovative designer, computational thinker, creative communicator, and global collaborator.  Tech...